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5' 6-FAM (Azide)

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This form of FAM is attached to the oligonucleotide using click chemistry. The internal version of this modification is attached to the oligo through a dT base. A dT nucleotide will be added at the position of the modification. To avoid adding an extra nucleotide, replace an existing T nucleotide in your sequence with the required modification.

Scientific Details
Mod Code:/56-FAMK/
Extinction Coefficient:15700
Absorbance Max:493 nm
Emission Max:517
Extinction Coefficient
(At Absorbance max):
Pricing Details
100 nmole DNA Oligo 129,00 € EUR Add To Order
250 nmole DNA Oligo 166,00 € EUR Add To Order
1 umole DNA Oligo 242,00 € EUR Add To Order
2 µmole DNA Oligo 370,00 € EUR Add To Order
100 nmole RNA Oligo 129,00 € EUR Add To Order
250 nmole RNA Oligo 166,00 € EUR Add To Order
1 umole RNA Oligo 242,00 € EUR Add To Order
10 umole RNA Oligo 1.710,00 € EUR Add To Order
* Requires HPLC Purification
Purification Compatibility
Requires HPLCYes
Requires IE-HPLCNo
Allows PAGE No
Requires RNase-Free HPLC No